Thursday, 23 April 2009

Hello, i am still alive.


It is i. I am still here! stop panicking.
I have been devising a plan in my cave these past couple of weeks!
I tried Scuba diving the other day. Lets just say, we didn't get on like a house on fire. More like a house drowning. In pain. I will give it another go when i get my hearing back and i stop leaking sea water and releasing air from my ears, like a cartoon character when they get angry and steam comes out.

So, i digress. My plan.

I am escaping to Melbourne next week. I am going to go to the cinema as much as physically possible. There is no cinema even close to where i live. Mistake really. I would solely keep them in business. Must see the new star trek movie otherwise i will feel incomplete.

Anyway. Thats the plan. Melbourne and lots of cinema.

Bet you were all dying to hear that.

Its very hot here. I think i am going out to sea on Monday which will be nice, not been out for a few weeks now. I beginning to get land legs.


Sunday, 12 April 2009