Thursday 5 February 2009

Airlie Beach

I finally got here! woooo

The 19 hour bus journey was long and boring but i did sleep a bit!
Apparently Cairns have had the worst floods for 30 years! the water is up to the rooftops and there are crocodiles in the streets trying to eat dogs! My bus was supposed to end up in Cairns but the furthest it could physically get was Airlie Beach! How lucky was that! There is a cyclone just off the coast! That should make sailing even more exciting!! I may even wake up in the morning with a great white circling my bunk bed.

It is so humid here! its disgusting. everyone is permanently sweating! I haven't taken a single photo yet! But when i do i will put them up.


1 comment:

  1. The crocodiles eating dogs made me have hysterics. Maybe you should wear some arm bands to bed just in case. No job news yet! xxx
