Friday 13 February 2009

i am competent


So, this is what i have been up to for the last week...

I did my first sailing course. and it was AWESOME! I am now a competent crew wooo. special.
So it POURED with rain for the first 3 days. When i say pour i mean POUUUUURRRRR. So i was permanently soaked for 3 days, then the next 3 were so hot i burnt myself to a crisp by accident. nice. There were 2 groups of tourists on our boat as we were learning, A group of Chinese the first 3 days, and then Axl, Jo, Rob and Emma, who were really cool, for the last 3, and we all got on well.

I did my first course with 2 girls, Amy and Kim who were brilliant.

Got myself a job working as crew and a place to live (with my skipper) haha but there are people my age living in the flat, so thats cool.

It is amazing here, the islands are awesome, and i've been snorkeling and swan in a waterfall, and seen manta rays and turtles and fishies. I have been spending alot of time in doors as of late, due to my crispyness. But i will be out again today!

Off for another 3 days now, apparently we will have 10 passengers today! Thats alot.

Got my uniform - i look like a bit of a div in it. I have to wear a cap, which is rubbish - oh and my sunglasses fell in the sea - wish somebody had bought me some sunglasses holder onners as a leaving present! Luckily it wasn't my good ones!

Got to go catch my boat now!


1 comment:

  1. WOW Gina!! Its sounds amazing. I really want to see photos. That is excellent that you have got a you get paid? What are the people like?

    I got my internship which starts on May 11th for 3 months so will finish on 7th August just after you get back! Woo. Am going to quite my job as soon as I am well into the black in my bank account. Really missing you and am so glad you're having a super time. Lots of love xxxxx
